SaaS Backwards Podcast

SaaS Backwards Episode 96 - Can the attribution challenge be solved with today’s tech? With Steffen Hedebrant, Co-founder and CMO of

Written by Jason Myers | Nov 17, 2023 3:02:28 PM

It seemed like marketing tech had solved the marketing attribution problem (for a minute) until the buyer went and changed their behavior. Now what?


The attribution problem has long been a challenge for marketers—probably first articulated by John Wannamaker when he said, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.”

It seemed like marketing tech had solved it (for a minute)—until buyers went and changed their behavior.

So how do we map the customer journey today?

That’s where today’s guest Steffen Hedebrandt, Co-Founder and CMO of comes in.

DreamData is a B2B revenue attribution platform based in Denmark that helps companies understand how they acquire new customers by extracting data from various silos such as CRM systems, marketing automation systems, and websites, and creating clean customer journey maps.

Key Takeaways:

  • Focusing on customer success as a growth strategy.
  • Expanding beyond Denmark to penetrate the US market.
  • Understanding that the buyer doesn’t know they’re in a funnel.

Other resources to check out:

Interview with Vinay Bhagat, Founder and CEO of TrustRadius who publish a yearly report about how B2B buyer behavior is changing.

The Lead Gen Mistake I Guarantee You’re Making – how to create content that better identifies intent from today’s b2b buyer.

And, if you want an outside look at your content with actionable advice, take advantage of our Content Audit. Valued at $20K in free consulting.