SaaS Backwards


We interview CEOs and CMOs of fast-growing SaaS firms to reveal what they are doing that's working, and lessons learned from things that didn't work as planned. These deep conversations focus on the pragmatic as well as strategic, providing a well-rounded diet for those running SaaS firms today.Moderated by Ken Lempit, Austin Lawrence Group's president and chief business builder. Ken has more than 30 years of experience helping software companies to grow and their founders to achieve their visions.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 108 - Can better relationships save publishers? With Dan Rua, CEO of Admiral

The rise of ad blockers and privacy creates new challenges for publishers. Admiral’s VRM platform aims to preserve more revenue by creating better relationships. 

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SaaS Backwards Episode 107 - SaaS Marketing Predictions for 2024

In this episode, SaaS Backwards host Ken Lempit switches places in the guest seat to discuss upcoming trends in SaaS marketing for the new year and what companies will have to do to be successful. 

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SaaS Backwards Episode 106 - Pricing as a lever for growth - with Patrick Meegan, Senior Partner at Maple Street Advisors

Companies might fear pricing changes because of churn, but it also might be a lever you can pull for growth. Here’s how to find out.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 104 - Strategies for Maximizing Value in SaaS Exits– with Marty Magida, Managing Director of Berkery Noyes & Co.

Because of the challenges in the current financing environment and the cautious approach of strategic buyers and private equity firms for SaaS companies, we invited Marty Magida on to discuss practical strategies to enhance company value and...

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SaaS Backwards Episode 103 - First getting agreement on a problem worth solving – with Chuck Fuerst, CMO of ReverseLogix

You’ve probably never thought about what goes on behind the scenes when you return a product, but there’s a lot to it.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 102 - How to use win/loss data to close deals faster – with Spencer Dent, founder of Clozd

You may have noticed that deals today take longer to close and are scrutinized heavily.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 101 - A dedicated finance team in your pocket for a flat monthly fee - with Swapnil Shinde, CEO of Zeni

As a CEO, you probably don’t care much about how your accounting and bookkeeping is done.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 100 - Where thought leadership is falling short with today’s customer and how to fix it - with Brent Adamson, co-author of the Challenger Sale and Challenger Customer

With everyone leading with insights, customers are overwhelmed. So the role of marketers and sellers is to help them make sense of it all.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 99 - The data-driven, revenue-focused marketing leader – with Brandee Sanders, CMO of

Coming from sales positions where she’s carried quotas, Brandee Sanders knows what having skin in the game for marketers looks like.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 98 - How to operationalize strategic initiatives digitally - with Ulf Arnetz, CEO of Howwe

Strategic initiatives often get de-railed when CEOs delegate them instead of taking ownership. This lack of clarity can lead to confusion and lack of focus throughout the organization.

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