SaaS Backwards


We interview CEOs and CMOs of fast-growing SaaS firms to reveal what they are doing that's working, and lessons learned from things that didn't work as planned. These deep conversations focus on the pragmatic as well as strategic, providing a well-rounded diet for those running SaaS firms today.Moderated by Ken Lempit, Austin Lawrence Group's president and chief business builder. Ken has more than 30 years of experience helping software companies to grow and their founders to achieve their visions.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 100 - Where thought leadership is falling short with today’s customer and how to fix it - with Brent Adamson, co-author of the Challenger Sale and Challenger Customer

With everyone leading with insights, customers are overwhelmed. So the role of marketers and sellers is to help them make sense of it all.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 99 - The data-driven, revenue-focused marketing leader – with Brandee Sanders, CMO of

Coming from sales positions where she’s carried quotas, Brandee Sanders knows what having skin in the game for marketers looks like.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 98 - How to operationalize strategic initiatives digitally - with Ulf Arnetz, CEO of Howwe

Strategic initiatives often get de-railed when CEOs delegate them instead of taking ownership. This lack of clarity can lead to confusion and lack of focus throughout the organization.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 97 - To ensure enterprise sales success today, you’d better sell the CFO – With Chris Orlob, Co-founder of

With a focus on selling to the enterprise, takes a different approach to training salespeople that emphasizes CFO inclusion early.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 96 - Can the attribution challenge be solved with today’s tech? With Steffen Hedebrant, Co-founder and CMO of

It seemed like marketing tech had solved the marketing attribution problem (for a minute) until the buyer went and changed their behavior. Now what?

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SaaS Backwards Episode 95 - How to find where your audience hangs out today – with Rand Fishkin, CEO of SparkToro

Seemingly not too long ago, searches for new products and services overwhelmingly started at Google. And it made sense to optimize for keywords, so you’d appear organically on page one.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 94 - Solving the Attribution Challenge--Christopher P. Willis shares his Global Active Awareness Scoring Methodology

At first glance, tracking engagement data may sound like another vanity metric—until it shows an uptick in meaningful sales conversations.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 93 - Can you find gold in the data you're already collecting? - with Dan Miles, COO of TVEyes

Even in a very healthy business, you must keep looking for innovation.

That’s the gist of this episode’s message with Dan Miles, Chief Operating Officer of TVEyes.

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SaaS Backwards Episode 92 - Personalization at scale—can we finally get rid of the templates? With David Howard, VP Marketing at BuzzBoard

Welcome to episode ninety-two of the SaaS Backwards podcast, where we interview CEOs and CMOs of fast-growing SaaS firms to reveal what they are doing that's working, and lessons learned from things that didn't work as planned. 

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SaaS Backwards Episode 91 - The Value of in-person Events for SaaS Leaders Post Covid – with Fred Rockwell, Founder of the Ascent Conference

Welcome to episode ninety-one of the SaaS Backwards podcast, where we interview CEOs and CMOs of fast-growing SaaS firms to reveal what they are doing that's working, and lessons learned from things that didn't work as planned. 

You can listen to...

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